Author: tyme4change

Innovation & Collaboration

Where do you see yourself in the future as you use your FAC-C-DS?

Technology is transforming the way we conduct business, from scheduling by the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to how we move from a waterfall to agile acquisition processes.  The future can cause you to exhibit some anxieties for the unknown.  Those anxieties may still exist after the completion of DITAP training, but it may not be as severe.  Receive the certification does not eliminate the possibility of being in unchartered waters, but you have a life boat with the references we learnt over the last six months. We now know that a shift has occurred in how we procure digital services.  This training gave us the fundamentals that we need to begin the conversation, to explain the difference between waterfall and agile, and to execute.   As I envision a future with a FAC-C-DS certification, I can see opportunities to grow in an area that I have never worked. I envision more complex requirements and out of the box thinking. It opens doors for more collaborations, teamwork, and partnerships. 


Where do you see your agency in the future as it works to realize the government’s digital transformation mission?

Time has passed. We are at the end of the fiscal year, reflecting on our successes for this fiscal year.  The conversation changed to the growing use of technology in our daily lives and the impact it now has on procurements. We were reminiscent on where we have been over the last few decades, how far we have come, and focused on how change is enviable. The Director announced that the workload will now include digital services acquisitions.  He stands in confidence as we dig deep to pull that information back to the forefront of minds.  In formation not used immediately is information stored.  He stood confident in knowing that we will have continues success, as we use the knowledge gained from DITAP training.  Since we took the time to educate our stakeholder on the acquisition of digital services, we are receiving a decrease in hesitation to use agile practices for our acquisitions.  Our customers are elated because we have streamlined the process from waterfall to agile.  It did not happen without lessons learned. Lessons which are shared across the organization.

Communication fosters the exchange of ideas to implement change

How will you, as a FAC-C-DS certified acquisition professional, use your talents and strengths to bring the agency’s preferred future to fruition?

As we move forward, I will bring the knowledge of on DS methods, practices, and procedures to my stakeholders on future procurement for digital services. I will take digital services from textbook to practice and become a change agent. I will use education to help stakeholders understand that an agile process is the best method moving forward.

I will continue to grow my knowledge on X-as-a-service, cloud services, agile mythologies, and implement innovative approaches for acquisitions. When developing acquisition and source selection plans, I will promote innovative methods such as down selections and demonstrations.  I will employ open collaboration to understand the requirement, provide the best solutions, and increase customer service. The water does not have to flows in one direction.  There are many connected streams that we can benefit from.